Canon Digital Photo Copiers
We are leading office Equipment Company in Delhi NCR. We are canon dealer and supplier in Delhi NCR. Here are list of some of the range of equipment’s such as Canon Digital Photocopier, canon color copiers, laser digital copier, color digital copiers, printers, scanners, fax. We also providing photocopier on Renting scheme, Repairing, Sales, Spare parts & Amc's. We just give you a basic idea about the products, still facing problem to understand the products and there uses, please feel free to Contact Us.
Canon IR2525/2530/2535
- Desktop (Reader Combined + Inner Output)
- Copy, Print, Color scan
- Copier Output speed 25/30/35ppm
- First copy time 5.4sec or less
- Resolution 600x600dpi
- Copy size max A3
Canon IR3225/3235/3245
- Desktop (Reader Combined + Inner Output)
- Multifunction Copy, Print, Color scan
- Output speed 25/35/45ppm
- First copy time ir3225 4.9sec or less
- First copy time ir3235/45 3.9sec or less
- Resolution 600x600dpi
- Copy size max A3
Canon IR3025/3035/3045
- Warm-up Time 30 seconds (Max.)
- Copy, Print, Color scan
- Output speed 25/35/45ppm
- First copy time 4.9sec or less
- Resolution 600x600dpi
- Copy size max A3
Canon IR3300
- First copy time 6.6 seconds (From DADF)
- First copy time 5.8 seconds (From Platen Glass)
- Copy, Print, Color scan
- Output speed 33ppm
- Resolution 600x600dpi
- Copy size max A3
Canon IR4235
- First copy time 3.8sec or less
- Copy, Print, Color scan
- Output speed 35ppm
- Resolution 1200x1200dpi
- Copy size max A3
Canon IR2202N
- First copy time 7.9sec or less
- Copy, Print, Color scan
- Output speed 22ppm
- Resolution 1200x1200dpi
- Copy size max A3
Canon IR2020i
- First copy time 7.9sec or less
- Copy, Print, Color scan
- Output speed 22ppm
- Resolution 1200x1200dpi
- Copy size max A3
Canon IR1024
- First copy time 8sec or less
- Copy, Print, Color scan
- Output speed 24ppm
- Resolution 1200x1200dpi
- Copy size max A4